Analytical Testing Services

iFyber is Your Partner in Advanced Analytical Testing Services.

At iFyber, we offer cutting-edge analytical testing services to support your research and development efforts.

  • Bioassays and Potency Testing: Unlock the full potential of your compounds with our precise bioassays and potency analytical testing services. We provide accurate measurements to help you make informed decisions about your product's efficacy. Learn More >
  • Compositional Analysis: Gain a deeper understanding of your materials with our comprehensive compositional analysis. Our advanced techniques reveal the intricate details of your samples, ensuring quality and consistency. Learn More >
  • Functional and Mechanical Testing: Evaluate the performance of your materials under real-world conditions. Our functional and mechanical analytical testing services help you optimize your products for durability and reliability. Learn More >
  • Biomarker Analysis: We offer biomarker analysis, working with clients to develop assays for various biomarkers and sample types, with particular emphasis on the wound care field. Learn More >
  • Materials Testing: Our diverse staff utilizes a broad set of materials and analytical testing techniques, alongside state-of-the-art equipment, to answer challenging questions regarding the composition and physical characteristics of a given biomaterial quickly and accurately. Learn More >

Comprehensive Solutions for Your Research Needs

Biomarker Analysis

Biomarkers are measurable substances in an organism whose presence can be indicative of a disease state, infection, or environmental exposure. This detectable response can vary based on the specific medical intervention and may give clues regarding disease progression, wound healing, or the physiological side effects of a device or drug treatment.

Using clinical samples, such as wound exudate or tissue, and methods such as ELISA, FACS, qPCR, LAMP, and others, we can identify biomarkers such as:

  • Cytokines (e.g., interleukins [ILs] and TNF-α)
  • Growth factors (e.g., platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF])
  • Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)
  • Tissue inhibitors of these metalloproteinases (TIMPs)
  • MMP/TIMPs ratios

Together with clinical observations, these biomarker measurements can provide clients with a better understanding and more complete picture of how their technology affects the wound healing process.

Materials Testing

Our multidisciplinary materials testing team of chemists, engineers, and biologists can evaluate a range of materials, including novel nanomaterials, specialized coatings, and polymers, through the use of advanced analytical techniques. We provide broad expertise and a diverse offering of materials testing methods that can be tailored to each intended application based on our clients' specific needs.

iFyber’s materials testing program fits well within specific consulting projects. Rather than solely acting as subject matter experts for our clients, we support our consulting findings with experimentation and data.

iFyber can provide specific and creative solutions in the following areas:

iFyber’s diverse staff utilizes a broad set of materials and analytical testing techniques and state-of-the-art equipment to answer challenging questions regarding the composition and physical characteristics of a given biomaterial quickly and accurately.

In addition to evaluating material inputs, iFyber can design and perform product-specific functional materials testing, such as evaluating mechanical properties, resorption rate, therapeutic ion release, antimicrobial activity, and biocompatibility, of products including but not limited to medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biologics. In addition to custom testing solutions, iFyber offers GLP-compliant testing services.

Additional Material Testing Offerings:

  • Material equivalence testing
  • Thermalgravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry (TGA/DSC)
  • Surface area and particle size analysis
  • Porosity, pore size, and interconnectivity analysis
  • Analysis of mechanical properties – compressive strength, elastic modulus
  • Analysis of molecular weight (e.g., GPC, MALDI)
  • Resorption rate testing

Compositional Analysis

iFyber provides expertise and a range of assays that can be tailored to each material and intended application. If necessary, unique methods are developed based on our clients' specific needs. iFyber utilizes a broad set of analytical techniques to answer challenging questions regarding the makeup of a given material. Specific examples include: the use of NMR spectroscopy to determine the fate of a biomaterial within a device during the manufacturing process and the use of EPR spectroscopy to assess the effects of gamma or e-beam sterilization on biomaterials.

Chemical characterization/makeup through various spectroscopic techniques:

  • NMR
  • Mass spectroscopy
  • EPR
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • FTIR
  • Stability and degradation profile
  • Accelerated degradation studies
  • Therapeutic ion release (e.g., Ag+, Ca2+, Zn2+, PO43-)
  • Bioactivity testing – HCA formation, immersion solutions analyzed with ICP, HCA formation confirmed with XRD, SEM & FTIR

Functional or Mechanical Testing

Due to the complex environment in the body, biomaterials must be thoroughly evaluated to ensure they are safe while meeting the specific requirements for each application, such as mechanical properties, resorption rate, therapeutic ion release, antimicrobial activity, and biocompatibility. iFyber can study the front end biomaterial inputs as well as specific function of the biomaterial in an end product. A particular focus area for iFyber relates to biomaterials and infection, which can be a major clinical threat.

  • Physical characterization
  • Composition
  • Thermal analysis, thermal transitions and decompositions TGA/DSC
  • Surface area and particle size
  • Porosity, pore size and interconnectivity
  • Mechanical properties – compressive strength, elastic modulus
  • Molecular weight (e.g., GPC, MALDI)
  • Can be carried out before and after in vitro experiment to identify how these properties change over time when placed in the body
  • Determinate impacts of sterilization on biomaterials
  • Testing according to ISO or ASTM standards
  • Tissue functional testing
  • In vitro wound healing (e.g., scratch test, cell migration, etc.)
  • Cell attachment
  • Cell in-growth and proliferation (e.g., osteoinduction)

Bioassays and Potency

iFyber’s multidisciplinary team of scientists and engineers is ready to help develop, verify, and validate custom bioassays and potency assays. Our team has a wide variety of endpoint detection modes and cell lines at our disposal, allowing us to find the right system for your specific application. Whether you need a custom assay developed, or an off-the-shelf kit will do and need a team to help validate or interpret the results, we have you covered.

  • Bioassay development
  • Protein characterization (Octet LC/MS, size exclusion chromatography)
  • Cytokine and growth factor analysis
  • Matrix metalloproteinases & inhibitors (MMPs/TIMPs)
  • Flow Cytometry/Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS)
  • Nerve regeneration assay (ex vivo tissue culture)
  • Molecular: qPCR/LAMP, RNA arrays, traditional & next-gen sequencing, clinical trial support

From material characterization to antimicrobial efficacy: we have you covered.